1.(日) セクシーの当選確か食色性也
(台、華) 性感/當選確實/食色性也
(英) Sexy candidates-
Certain to be elected
Food and sex: human nature
2.(日) ハビアンや極めて迷う悟りかも
(台、華) 哈比安/極致而迷惑/或許即覺悟
(英) Habian-
A bonze-priest-officer to arrest Christian
attained the acme and perplexed
maybe SATORI (*1)
3. (日) 闇のなか平家蛍と呼ばれたり
(台、華) 黑暗中/叫我平家螢
(英) In the darkness
being called:
Heikebotaru (a firefly) (*2)
4. (日) 秋暑し台風ニュース居直りて
(台、華) 秋老虎/颱風報導/在端坐
(英) Hot in autumn
the news of typhoon
right there
5. (日) 哲学す布団のなかで夜長し
(台、華) 冬夜長/思惟奔馳/棉被中
(英) Pondering and pondering
in the bed-
long winter night
6. (日) 黄昏や紅葉真っ赤に燃え尽きる
(台、華) 時黃昏/紅葉燒盡/紅更深
(英) In the evening-
Maple leaves turn red
deep red and burnt out
7. (日) 砂嵐怯える暴君命乞う
(台、華) 沙暴中/懼怯乞命/獨夫相
(英) Sandstorm-
Frightened and asking for life
the tyrant’s look
8. (日) 見つめいる字も眠るかな冬の夜
(台、華) 凝視疲/字也入睡/冬夜寂
(英) Long winter night-
The characters on the screen I am staring at
fall asleep too
9. (中国清朝故事、名利)
(日) 数多なる長江の舟只二艘
(台、華) 舟無數/長江浮/只見二舟漂
(英)(A story of Ching dynasty-people always seek fame and wealth)
Plenty of ships
on the Yangzi river
I noticed only two though
(日) 天安門くぐる群集影二つ
(台、華) 天安門/萬人鑽/唯有二影顯
(英) (A story of Ching dynasty-fame and wealth)
A crowd of people go through
I see only two though
*1 SATORI: refer to--http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satori
and more from Google search.
*2 Heikebotaru-refer to http://worldkigo2005.blogspot.com/2005/06/fireflies-hotaru-05.html
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